Get Google Home Mini at 499 only WITHOUT TimesPrime Coupon
1. Open Google Assistant on your Android Smartphone.
2. Now speak “Ok Google, Play Google Home Mini Game”
3. Google will show you, Game Page, like below with 4 TasksComplete Each Task One By One.
Tasks are as follows
“Hey Google, Say Weather About Tomorrow”
“Hey Google, Set An Alarm”
“Hey Google, Take Selfie”
“Hey Google, Play Youtube video”
4. Complete Each Task One By One.
5. Once Completed, Open Google Home Mini Game Again & You Will Get Coupon Code.
Claim Coupon & Validate it with your Flipkart Account then Click this link :
Add Google Home Mini to Cart you will get it at 499
Note – Try Daily After 12 AM as There are Limited Daily Coupons