Oris Olive Pomace Oil 5 Ltr
High Smoking Point Making It Suitable For Deep Frying
Rich In Antioxidants
Its Neutral Taste As Well As Flavour Makes It Suitable For Indian Cuisine.
Rs 1,750.00
Oris Olive Pomace Oil consisting of a blend of refined olive-pomace oil and virgin olive oil fit for consumption as they are. Cooking in Olive Pomace oil is a healthy alternative. Olive Pomace oil needs high temperature to burn, making it the best option for baking, frying and its neutral tasteas well as flavour makes it suitable for Indian cuisine.
High Smoking Point Making It Suitable For Deep Frying
Rich In Antioxidants
Its Neutral Taste As Well As Flavour Makes It Suitable For Indian Cuisine.
Ideal For Healthy Cooking
Heart Friendly
Specification: Oris Olive Pomace Oil 5 Ltr